domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Our topic this week is investigation of the truth, so why have I asked you to watch videos about diet in order to begin to explore this topic?
Because the video present us the fight between the spiritual and material part of the human being. Actually the American diet is a very clear example of material part of the human being in which predominate and incessant desire for immediately satisfaction without take in to account the long terms benefits for human beings, animals and environment.

What relationships can you find between the videos and the reading?
The video and the reading give us a clear message about the need to change our mains and behavior since a material way to and spiritual one, in which we can preserve our life and health using the knowledge to understand the bad consequences of our actual behavior. If we acts with justice and love for the other human beings, animal and the environment we will change our behavior for example stop eating meat and changeling the productions of food in the entire planet in order to save it.
What do these relationships imply about our role as individuals in our society?
I received this wonderful message and I really know that is very important to study more about the situation of the diet, the production of food and the consequences of it for the human beings, in order to give my friends, my future students and all the people that I know the best information to contribute to preserve the life in the planet.
I believe that the best way to drive our lives is the love for the others human beings and species in the planet. If we love the others we respect their lives and improve our quality of life.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

New Place of Social Labor "Nuevo Guayaquil"

We change the place of social labor; the new place is “Nuevo Guayaquil “I am going to teach different things to the kids and also to help my companions.
When we arrived, we sang and played with all the kids (around 70 kids) they were very happy and enjoyed the activities.Then we divided the kids by ages, my group was girls of 9 -10 years, (because we divided the group of 9-10 in grils and boys). We present ourselves to the kids and also for the kids to tell us their names and after we talked about the class.
Later we passed drawings to them to paint, we spoke with them and also we sang, all this was very good and these children are very special.

it had been great to continue with the kids of Virgen de las nieves, but we had to change the place because the school Javier made the decision, but is great kwon new kids, and i have the opportunity to listen more histories and to know more realities, and all that experiences gave me the opportunity to reflect about my life.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Social Work- Virgen de las nieves

We are going to realize social work with the apostolic group of the School Javier.
We went to know the children, we spoke with them and we watched the place where we are going to work.

we begin Saturday 16 of May.

Our purpose is to teach different things to the children ex: painting, mathematical, etc.
We will go saturdays from 3 to 5 pm.

this was my first experience, since i never did somethign like that before, and
and I can say that was excellent, to meet those children, to share with them, to help them to be better persons.
I feel happy to do this, is rewarding and I hope to continue doing it in the future.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Entrevista de todas

Name: Betty Arroyo Cevallos
1. How many years do you have in "de todas"?
3 years, and i also work in a fondation of the church
2. How did you knew “de todas ?
They visit my community and they presented me they’re credit programs, I worked in my church in another foundation and I wasn’t interested at the moment. A time later my daughter joined DE TODAS and showed me the brochures, I got really interested and in that moment I decided to join the cooperative. Now with the pass of time, they hire me and now I’m the inspector of this cooperative.s”
3.What is the best of “de todas”?
The qualification, they worries much about the enterprise, personal development and on your self-esteem.¿How much credit does DE TODAS lend you, its something specific or you ask for it?first they give $100 and then it increases to 300.
4.How was the beggining of your business it prospered or it was gradually?
I have a foundation called “Shadder”, I I work like an instructor. There we make manual activities with recyclables materials.
5. ¿What was the reaction of your husband when you joined DE TODAS and began your business?
At first they think you are crazy, when he sees me with bottles or materials that seem garbage, but then he began to get interested and now he brings me materials and it’s also a family business now.

I think that woman is very inteligent and generous.she belives in her potencial and she use this potencial to growth in a individual and professional way.and I think she need more opportunities to continue growth in all the aspects. for me was very interesting the aspect that her husband dont belive in her but she decided to participated in the cooperative and for this decision she obtained great opportunities.